How To Order?

Ordering Format:

Please send your order to with the details below:

1. Name:
2. Item Name / Product Code:
3. Size:
4. Colour
5. Quantity:
6. Price:
7. Receiver Name:
8. Delivery Address:
9. Contact Number:

Upon receiving the order email, we will reply your mail within 24 hour and will issue you an invoice to your email. Kindly check the order. Bank details will be given to you for payment. Payments must be made within 2 days or your order will be canceled.
Kindly inform us through email or sms to 019 - 939 9138 once payment has been made with the following details:
1. Method of payment ( Bank name, ATM fund transfer, online banking fund transfer, or bank in through the cash deposit machine)
2. Date and time of transfer
3. Reference no. (on the transaction script or print screen of payment for online transfer)


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